1) Afternoon rehearsal
Choir members to arrive 1/2 hour beforehand at the venue with the expectation that they will be asked to be seated on stage / the platform ¼ hour before the rehearsal time - ie: If rehearsal starts at 2.00 pm Choir members arrive @ 1.30 pm and are on the stage / platform by 1.45 pm.
NB: There may be exceptions to this - choir asked to arrive earlier for instance, dependent on the particular challenges posed by a (different) venue or the specific needs of musicians / musical equipment.
2) Evening performance
a) Arrival time - typically choir members will be expected to arrive ½ hour to 20 minutes in advance (again there may be situations where an earlier arrival time is necessary) and to take individual responsibility to begin to line up in the format they will be on stage 10 minutes beforehand. The Stage Manager, in conjunction with the Musical Director will determine the time of entry onto the stage - typically 2 to 5 minutes before the planned concert start.
b) Processing on and off stage - typically the choir will lead on from the back (Chesterfield Methodist Church and Winding Wheel venues). Again, there may be exceptions to this dependent on the venue.
c) Seating - once the last member of the front row is on stage the nominated central front row choir member will sit, at which the choir do the same. The Musical Director then enters. Choir members are expected to sit quietly whilst on the stage.
Leaving the stage - at the end of the first half of the performance once the Musical Director has walked off, the nominated front row choir member immediately sits and the choir follows suit. The choir then stands up, led by the middle front row choir member, and the front row processes off, followed by the rows behind in order.
The process outlined at b) for the start of the concert is repeated for the second half of the concert and likewise for c) at the end of the concert - choir sit following the Musical Director's departure. The departure off the stage at the end of the concert is the same as before the interval.
d) Interval time - during the mid performance interval once the refreshment area begins to empty and when the Stage Manager indicates that the audience are required to leave, it is choir members' individual responsibility to ask their guests to leave and then begin to line up in the format they will be on stage again. The Stage Manager/ Musical Director will then indicate when the choir will process back into the auditorium.
Stuart Robinson
Stage Manager Chesterfield Philharmonic Choir